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Recent Press Releasesnet-ARB selected by to provide Arbitration Services
| Leading the way in fast, convenient and affordable online dispute resolution for the 21st Century, net-ARB adds another industry leader to its growing client list. |  |
June 3, 2009 — Worldwide online arbitration firm took another giant stride recently with the addition of industry giant and recognized world leader to its growing client list which already includes the world's leader in freelance services,
Founded in 1999 by Fidelity National Financial, has established itself as the leading provider of secure business and consumer transaction management on the Internet. When disputes arise which cannot be settled amicably, users are directed to arbitration. In choosing net-ARB as a dispute resolution provider, gives users access to the world's fastest, most convenient and affordable solution possible. connects individuals and businesses with independent professionals to provide creative services such as writing and web design. Now in its 11th year, Elance has been featured in publications such as BusinessWeek, Newsweek, PCWorld, The Wall Street Journal, and MarketWatch among many others in addition to major news outlets including ABC, CBS, and NBC News, and CNN Money.
net-ARB is the world's first and only Small Claims Court for the Internet, breaking the » jurisdictional boundaries limiting other dispute resolution services by adopting decision rules based entirely on » equity, or simply doing what is fair in each case and disregarding the hurdles and technicalities of the courts and typical jurisdiction-based arbitration.
Trust On The Web - net-ARB Introduces Consumer Confidence Program With Verifiable Trust Symbol
 Dispute Resolution | Consumer Confidence Program gives honest e-commerce websites the ability to convey a verifiable message of trust and accountability that will increase sales and improve conversion rates using trust symbol technology. Membership is FREE to all who pledge to use arbitration. |
November 13, 2008 — Having revolutionized online dispute resolution and arbitration, is making a big move in furthering its founding goal of bringing trust and accountability to e-commerce with the introduction of a Consumer Confidence Program aimed at identifying merchants who stand behind their products and services with a promise to submit unresolved disputes to binding arbitration whenever requested by a customer. net-ARB's Seal of Trust (known to e-commerce gurus as a trust symbol) lets consumers know that not only will the merchant agree to binding arbitration when requested by the consumer, but also that the merchant has never defaulted on an arbitration judgment.
A 2006 Bear Sterns report found that over 50% of Internet users still don't buy online, reinforcing earlier studies conducted by Internet giants Yahoo and, Pew Associates, and Greenfield Surveys showing that trust, or lack thereof, is the #1 concern of 90% of online shoppers. And they're fears are not unfounded according to the Internet Crime Complaint Center, whose online fraud complaints for 2006 total nearly $200 million. What's worse is that legitimate online merchants, particularly those without national name recognition, pay the price for this in the form of fewer sales.
net-ARB's Consumer Confidence Program Seal of Trust is a verifiable trust symbol
that can be installed on any website in seconds to reduce the abandoned shopping cart syndrome that frustrates so many online businesses struggling to finds way to assure wary shoppers they are on the up-and-up.
Consumer Confidence Program members also reap ancillary benefits by way of reduced costs associated with handling prolonged dispute resolution and negative Internet publicity left by frustrated consumers when disputes go unresolved.
Founded in 2005, net-ARB is an international online arbitration firm that specializes in convenient and affordable e-commerce dispute resolution. Check out the full website. It just may be the world's largest website devoted solely to arbitration. Don't litigate . . . arbitrate!
net-ARB Founder Guest on The Freedom Works Radio Show
First radio appearance for net-ARB!
August 12, 2008 — Freedom Works, one of the nations leading Libertarian Radio Talk Shows, yesterday featured net-ARB founder and dispute resolution expert Marty Lavine, invited to speak about how his company is revolutionizing arbitration through the internet. The talk show that airs Monday thru Friday 9-10 AM EST discusses the Libertarian view of smaller government, increased personal freedom and free market solutions.
net-ARB's "revolution" is in bringing fast, affordable dispute resolution to the internet, effectively establishing the world's first cyberspace small claims court serving the local community worldwide. Since traditional courts require the physical presence of the parties, attorneys, and the judging panel, they are just not suitable for today's global economy where people of different continents conduct thousands of business transactions every day. net-ARB nicely fills that void in the judicial system.
The second way net-ARB is revolutionizing arbitration is in the cost, bringing professional arbitration down to less than $300 per party whereas traditional arbitration costing thousands per party made cost the leading prohibitive factor.
The third way is through email. net-ARB hearing take place by email over the course of several days or as long as needed, so that you never leave the comfort of their home or office!
As this new market solution is becoming better known, companies are turning to non-appearance dispute resolution to both offer greater convenience to their customers and to reduce legal cost for them as well. A new bill in the U.S. House of Representatives is threatening to change that, to the detriment of both business and the consumers alike. HR 3010, shrewdly named the Arbitration "Fairness" Act, moves to eliminate mandatory arbitration agreements altogether, leaving consumers to the mercy of an over-burdened court system, notoriously tilted in favor of those who hire the best legal representation.
For more about House Bill HR 3010 and market solutions that offer a much better alternative to government intervention, check out for a better answer to leveling the playing field.
net-ARB Introduces "Zero Filing Fee" Arbitration
Continuing to revolutionize dispute resolution in the 21st century, net-ARB becomes the first full-time international arbitration firm to completely waive filing fees.
June 9, 2008 — In removing the last obstacle in providing access to low cost, fast and convenient arbitration to everyone, net-ARB continues to lead the field of alternate dispute resolution. Since 2005, this innovative brainchild of Marty Lavine has been filling the need on the internet for people needing fair, legally-binding solutions when courtrooms are a burden or unavailable.
While many businesses are finding it hard to make a go of it in today's faltering economy, net-ARB, the world's first and still only online arbitration firm is busily expanding. net-ARB's newly redesigned website is jam packed with information about arbitration, including articles, news stories, and dozens of examples showing how arbitration is used for many things and a wide variety of disputes. Read their » What is Arbitration page for a real eye-opener about court TV shows!
The man behind the controls is net-ARB's founder, Marty Lavine, an attorney, engineer, and small businessman. He has mediated and arbitrated literally thousands of cases in-person, telephonically and via the internet. Marty saw people being shut out of the court system by cost, inconvenience and in many cases, complete impracticality. Commerce was moving to the internet but the courts were not.
By taking arbitration to the internet, net-ARB makes arbitration fast. By using email rather than live hearings, net-ARB makes arbitration convenient. And perhaps the key to Marty's vision of making arbitration accessible to everyone, the decision to capitalize on economy of scale to deliver the service at the lowest cost possible. net-ARB projects it will be handling 1000 cases per month very soon.
Check out the full website at It just may be the world's largest website devoted solely to arbitration.